How To Find What Game Engine Is Used (List) - Cheat Engine Tables

Real quick, I wanted to post a guide on how to quickly identify the engine the game your reversing uses. I'll keep this thread alive and update other engines as time goes by.
  • Unreal Engine
  • Unity Engine

Unreal Engine:
A quick way to see if the game uses Unreal Engine is by checking the properties in the file system. I'll show a demo with steam, but the method will apply to all game managers or manually navigating to the games directory.

In Steam, navigate to the game in your library, right-click -> Manage -> and click "Browse local files"
[Image: DXLvMWr.png]

A new folder will appear, this is the directory the game is stored in.
[Image: oDzlT1G.png]

Now just right click the .exe file, and select Properties.

In the Properties window, click Details in the top tabs and in the product version, it will list UE4 along with the version number.
[Image: dKcy8Oo.png]

(You can also navigate: \Engine\Extras\Redist\en-us and see the Unreal Engine prerequisites setup installer further confirming the Engine(It may vary based on the game)). 

Unity Engine:

A easy way to see if the game is running on the Unity Engine is to check if the "Assembly-CSharp" data is present in the games directory. Another good indicator is if you see the word "mono" within the directory of  the game. The example will be on steam, but the method will apply to all game managers or manually navigating to the games directory.

In Steam, navigate to the game in your library, right-click -> Manage -> and click "Browse local files"
[Image: 0ox8L6C.png]

A new folder will appear, this is the directory the game is stored in.
[Image: qpMFa12.png]

Right off the bat we see key words indicating Unity Engine, but lets find the csharp dll.
Navigate into the _Data folder, for me its "Escape Academy_Data" -> Managed and there we should be able to locate the Assembly-CSharp.dll.
[Image: olI1lW4.png]

Note: I have seen the Assembly-CSharp.dll in different locations before, you may have to do some clicking around to find it. 
* Unreal Engines method can be used as another way of confirming Unity. 

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To the left, where nothing's right. Or go right, where nothings left..